EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso
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* AnsiSys.H
* This file contains the prototypes for the interface to the system
* dependencies. If you need prototypes for some internal system
* dependent code, use SysDep.H. This file is no longer the domain of
* the system dependent porter. May 12, 1990.
* Use these only if we are ANSI capable...
* These functions are the interface calls to the system dependencies.
* Since some of these functions can be implemented as parameterized
* defines, you must go through these and comment out those that should
* not be here.
char Pause_Message_Check(void);
* 3.1. Modem stuff
#ifndef ModemOpen
void ModemOpen(char FromDoor);
#ifndef inp
AN_UNSIGNED inp(void);
#ifndef MIReady
int MIReady(void);
#ifndef ModemShutdown
void ModemShutdown(char KillCarr);
#ifndef outMod
char outMod(int c);
#ifndef fastMod
char fastMod(int c);
#ifndef ModemPushBack
void ModemPushBack(int c);
#ifndef gotCarrier
int gotCarrier(void);
#ifndef changeBauds
int changeBauds(MenuId id);
#ifndef DisableModem
void DisableModem(char FromNet);
#ifndef EnableModem
void EnableModem(char FromNet);
#ifndef ReInitModem
void ReInitModem(void);
#ifndef getNetBaud
char getNetBaud(void);
#ifndef ResultVal
int ResultVal(char *buf);
#ifndef setNetCallBaud
int setNetCallBaud(int targetBaudCode);
#ifndef HangUp
void HangUp(char FromNet);
#ifndef BufferingOn
void BufferingOn(void);
#ifndef BufferingOff
void BufferingOff(void);
#ifndef Reinitialize
void Reinitialize(void);
* 3.2. Disk Stuff
#ifndef mvToHomeDisk
int mvToHomeDisk(int x);
#ifndef RoomLeft
long RoomLeft(aRoom *room);
#ifndef RottenDial
int RottenDial(char *callout_string);
* 3.3. Console Stuff
#ifndef getCh
int getCh(void);
#ifndef KBReady
char KBReady(void);
#ifndef mputChar
void mputChar(char c);
#ifndef simpleGetch
int simpleGetch(void);
#ifndef ScreenUser
void ScreenUser(void);
#ifndef ScrNewUser
void ScrNewUser(void);
#ifndef ScrTimeUpdate
void ScrTimeUpdate(int hr, int mn);
#ifndef SpecialMessage
void SpecialMessage(char *message);
#ifndef StopVideo
void StopVideo(void);
* 3.4. Area Stuff
#ifndef CitGetFileList
void CitGetFileList(char *mask, SListBase *base, long before,
long after, char *phrase);
#ifndef FindDirName
char *FindDirName(int roomno);
#ifndef getArea
char getArea(aRoom *roomData);
#ifndef homeSpace
void homeSpace(void);
#ifndef netGetArea
int netGetArea(char *fn, struct fl_req *file_data, char ambiguous);
#ifndef netGetAreaV2
int netGetAreaV2(MenuId id, char *fn, struct fl_req *file_data, char ambiguous);
#ifndef netSetNewArea
char netSetNewArea(NET_AREA *file_data);
#ifndef printArea
int printArea(ROOM_AREA *x);
#ifndef prtNetArea
char *prtNetArea(NET_AREA *netArea);
#ifndef RoomSys
int RoomSys(int roomNo);
#ifndef setSpace
char setSpace(aRoom *roomData);
#ifdef OLD_STYLE
#ifndef sysGetSendFiles
char sysGetSendFiles(char *Files, struct fl_send *sendWhat);
#ifndef sysGetSendFilesV2
char sysGetSendFilesV2(MenuId id, char *name, struct fl_send *sendWhat);
#ifndef sysRoomLeft
long sysRoomLeft(void);
#ifndef sysSendFiles
void sysSendFiles(struct fl_send *sendWhat);
#ifndef updFiletag
void updFiletag(char *fileName, char *desc);
#ifndef makeAuditName
void makeAuditName(char *logfn, char *name);
#ifndef ValidDirFileName
char ValidDirFileName(char *fn);
#ifndef NormalName
void NormalName(struct fl_send *x, char *y);
#ifndef RedirectName
void RedirectName(char *buffer, char *directory, char *filename);
#ifndef MakeDomainDirectory
void MakeDomainDirectory(int dir);
#ifndef KillDomainDirectory
void KillDomainDirectory(int dir);
#ifndef MakeDomainFileName
void MakeDomainFileName(char *buffer, int Dir, char *filename);
#ifndef MoveFile
void MoveFile(char *oldname, char *newname);
#ifndef CopyFile
char CopyFile(char *oldname, aRoom *roomData);
#ifndef CopyFileToFile
void CopyFileToFile(char *fn, char *vfn);
#ifndef VirtualCopyFileToFile
void VirtualCopyFileToFile(char *src, char *target);
#ifndef ChangeToCacheDir
int ChangeToCacheDir(char *x);
#ifndef ToTempArea
void ToTempArea(void);
#ifndef KillTempArea
void KillTempArea(void);
* 3.5. Baud handling
#ifndef Find_baud
char Find_baud(char **whatRate);
#ifndef Set_Timer
unsigned long Set_Timer(unsigned long oldtime);
#ifndef Compute_Data
void Compute_Data(char *name);
* 3.6. File Stuff
#ifndef dirString
void dirString(char *target, ROOM_AREA *area);
#ifndef makeHelpFileName
void makeHelpFileName(char *new, char *original);
#ifndef makeSysName
void makeSysName(SYS_FILE target, char *name, SYS_AREA *area);
#ifndef InitBio
void InitBio(void);
#ifndef MakeBioName
void MakeBioName(SYS_FILE target, char *name);
#ifndef MoveToBioDirectory
void MoveToBioDirectory(void);
#ifndef safeopen
FILE *safeopen(char *fn, char *mode);
#ifndef totalBytes
void totalBytes(long *size, FILE *fd);
* 3.7. System Formatting Functions
#ifndef mPrintf
int mPrintf(char *format, ...);
#ifndef dPrintf
void dPrintf(char *format, ...);
#ifndef splitF
void splitF(FILE *diskFile, char *format, ...);
#ifndef mTrPrintf
void mTrPrintf(char *format, ...);
#ifndef ToFile
void ToFile(char *format, ...);
* 3.8. Timers
#ifndef MilliSecPause
void MilliSecPause(int x);
#ifndef pause
void pause(int i);
#ifndef startTimer
void startTimer(int TimerId);
#ifndef getRawDate
void getRawDate(int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hours, int *minutes,
int *seconds, int *milli);
#ifndef setRawDate
char setRawDate(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min);
#ifndef AbsToReadable
char *AbsToReadable(unsigned long lastdate);
#ifndef ReadDate
int ReadDate(char *date, long *RetTime);
#ifndef CurAbsolute
long CurAbsolute(void);
#ifndef chkTimeSince
long chkTimeSince(int TimerId);
* 3.9. Miscellaneous
#ifndef copy_struct
void copy_struct(char *src, char *dest);
#ifndef copy_array
void copy_array(char *src, char *dest);
#ifndef copy_ptr
void copy_ptr(char *src, char *dest, int s);
#ifndef CheckSystem
char CheckSystem(void);
#ifndef giveSpaceLeft
void giveSpaceLeft(aRoom *roomData);
#ifndef systemCommands
void systemCommands(void);
#ifndef systemShutdown
void systemShutdown(int SysErrorVal);
#ifndef OutsideEditor
void OutsideEditor(void);
#ifndef OtherEditOptions
void OtherEditOptions(char **Options);
#ifndef ShowOutsideEditors
void ShowOutsideEditors(void);
#ifndef RunRemoteEditor
void RunRemoteEditor(int s);
#ifndef receive
int receive(int seconds);
#ifndef WhatDay
int WhatDay(void);
#ifndef systemInit
int systemInit(void);
#ifndef ResIntrp
void *ResIntrp(char *line);
#ifndef zero_struct
void zero_struct(void *target);
#ifndef zero_array
void zero_array(char *target);
#ifndef ClearDoorTimers
void ClearDoorTimers(void);
#ifndef Cumulate
void Cumulate();
#ifndef BackFromDoor
char BackFromDoor(void);
#ifndef doDoor
char doDoor(char moreYet);
#ifndef DoorHelpListing
void DoorHelpListing(char *target);
#ifndef NewUserDoor
char NewUserDoor(void);
#ifndef RunAutoDoor
char RunAutoDoor(int i, char ask);
#ifndef ReadBps
void ReadBps(char *str);
#ifndef SetUpPort
int SetUpPort(int bps);
#ifndef BeNice
void BeNice(int x);
#ifndef DialExternal
int DialExternal(NetBuffer *netBuf);
#ifndef ChatEat
char ChatEat(int c)
#ifndef ChatSend
char ChatSend(int c)
#ifndef makeBanner
void makeBanner(char *x, char *y, int z);
* 3.11 File Comments
#ifndef StFileComSearch
int StFileComSearch(void);
#ifndef FindFileComment
int FindFileComment(char *fn);
#ifndef EndFileComment
void EndFileComment(void);
* 3.12 deARCing prototypes.
#ifndef ArcInit
void ArcInit(void);
#ifndef SendArcFiles
void SendArcFiles(int protocol);
#ifndef MakeTempDir
void MakeTempDir(void);
#ifndef FileIntegrity
char FileIntegrity(char *fileName);
#ifndef CompAvailable
char CompAvailable(char CompType);
#ifndef DeCompAvailable
char DeCompAvailable(char CompType);
#ifndef NetDeCompress
void NetDeCompress(char CompType, SYS_FILE fn);
#ifndef MakeDeCompressedFilename
void MakeDeCompressedFilename(SYS_FILE fn, char *FileName);
#ifndef KillNetDeCompress
void KillNetDeCompress(void);
#ifndef Compress
void Compress(char CompType, char *Files, char *ArcFileName);
#ifndef CompExtension
char *CompExtension(char CompType);
#ifndef GetUserCompression
int GetUserCompression(void);
#ifndef GetCompEnglish
char *GetCompEnglish(char CompType);
#ifndef AnyCompression
char AnyCompression(void);
* 3.13 External protocols
#ifndef ExternalProtocol
int ExternalProtocol(int protocol, char up, char *name, char *phrase,
char move);
#ifndef EatExtMessage
int EatExtMessage(int uploading);
#ifndef FindProtoName
char *FindProtoName(int protocol);
#ifndef AddExternProtocolOptions
void AddExternProtocolOptions(char **Opts, char upload);
#ifndef FindProtocolCode
int FindProtocolCode(int c, char upload);
#ifndef DoesNumerous
char DoesNumerous(int protocol);
#ifndef UpProtsEnglish
void UpProtsEnglish(char *target);
#ifndef DownProtsEnglish
void DownProtsEnglish(char *target);
#ifndef LastOn
char *LastOn(long lastdate, char shortstyle);
#ifndef ExternalTransfer
char ExternalTransfer(int protocol, char *filename);
* Menu handling stuff
#ifndef RegisterSysopMenu
MenuId RegisterSysopMenu(char *MenuName, char *Opts[], char *MenuTitle);
#ifndef GetSysopMenuChar
int GetSysopMenuChar(MenuId id);
#ifndef CloseSysopMenu
void CloseSysopMenu(MenuId id);
#ifndef SysopMenuPrompt
void SysopMenuPrompt(MenuId id, char *prompt);
#ifndef SysopError
void SysopError(MenuId id, char *prompt);
#ifndef SysopGetYesNo
char SysopGetYesNo(MenuId id, char *info, char *prompt);
#ifndef SysopRequestString
void SysopRequestString(MenuId id, char *prompt, char *buf, int size, int flags);
#ifndef SysopInfoReport
void SysopInfoReport(MenuId id, char *info);
#ifndef SysopDisplayInfo
void SysopDisplayInfo(MenuId id, char *info, char *title);
#ifndef SysopGetNumber
long SysopGetNumber(MenuId id, char *prompt, long bottom, long top);
#ifndef SysopContinual
MenuId SysopContinual(char *title, char *prompt, int Width, int Depth);
#ifndef SysopContinualString
void SysopContinualString(MenuId id, char *prompt, char *buf, int size, int flags);
#ifndef SysopCloseContinual
void SysopCloseContinual(MenuId id);
#ifndef SysopPrintf
int SysopPrintf(MenuId id, char *format, ...);
#ifndef NeedSysopInpPrompt
char NeedSysopInpPrompt(void);
* Caching functions -- possibly temporary
#ifndef NetCacheName
void NetCacheName(char *buf, int slot, char *name);
#ifndef MakeNetCacheName
void MakeNetCacheName(char *buf, int slot);
#ifndef MakeNetCache
void MakeNetCache(char *buf);
* Virtual rooms
#ifndef makeVASysName
void makeVASysName(char *x, char *y);
#ifndef CreateVAName
void CreateVAName(char *fn, int slot, char *dir, long num);
* These functions are in SysCfg.C.
#ifndef initSysSpec
void initSysSpec(void);
#ifndef sysArgs
char sysArgs(char *str);
#ifndef sysSpecs
int sysSpecs(char *line, int offset, char *status, FILE *fd);
#ifndef SysDepIntegrity
char SysDepIntegrity(int *offset);
#ifndef FinalSystemCheck
int FinalSystemCheck(char OnlyParams);
#ifndef FindDoorSlot
int FindDoorSlot(char *str);
* These functions are in SysUtil.C.
#ifndef getUtilDate
void getUtilDate(int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hours, int *minutes);
#include "sysprot.h"
#else /* !Ansiprototyping */
FILE *safeopen();
long CurAbsolute(),
char *prtNetArea();
int nodie(),
char *gcdir(),
AN_UNSIGNED interpret();
long milliTimeSince(),
char *getcwd();